HCVP Landlord Information

The Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) (formerly Section 8) extends a continual invitation to those in the community who wish to become HCVP landlords. An HCVP landlord participates in the program by making decent, safe and sanitary dwelling units available for lease by eligible families in accordance with the Equal Opportunity Housing Plan. The Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) makes a special effort to locate new landlords via advertising and other outreach methods, and maintains excellent working relationships with those who participate in the program.

HCVP requirements are explained and reviewed via briefings, discussions and an annual Landlord Conference. Printed material is also available to acquaint the owners/managers with the opportunities available under the program. HCVP Intake Specialists are available to answer any questions and/or concerns.

To facilitate the process of potential residents finding units, the HCVP Office maintains a Unit Availability Book of interested landlords and their properties. This list is updated as landlords fax, mail or call in their information to the HCVP Office. The Unit Availability Book is available to all families with a voucher who are searching for a rental unit.  For those interested in becoming HCVP landlords and would like a copy of ARHA’s Landlord Information Packet, you can download the packet here.

Landlords must submit:

  • Proof of ownership

  • Direct deposit form & voided check

  • W9 Tax form

All forms must be completed and signed before returning the package to ARHA. If you have any questions, please contact one of our Specialists:

LaTonya Washington, 703.549.7115 ext. 174

Lennin Lopez, 703.549.7115 ext.129

Please note that all landlords will be briefed on the program by a Specialist once documents have been submitted.

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  • @ Dec 31