ARHA History and By-Laws

The Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) was established on June 27, 1939 by City Ordinance and Mayoral appointment of a five-member Board of Commissioners, in accordance with the Code of Virginia’s enabling legislation. The first low-rent housing units were occupied in 1941.

The Authority was established to:

  1. To administer and operate the Public Housing Program for persons in the low income and low moderate income brackets, in accordance with state and federal statutes and regulations prescribed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

  2. To administer the tenant-based Section 8 (now Housing Choice Voucher Programs) for persons in the low and moderate income brackets, in accordance with state and federal statutes and regulations prescribed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

  3. To administer and operate Moderate Rehabilitation Programs for project-based subsidies in privately owned properties, operated and maintained by ARHA.

  4. To administer and operate Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties for low income and low moderate income families, owned, operated and maintained by ARHA.

ARHA is governed by a nine-member Board of Commissioners which is appointed by the Alexandria City Council to staggered four-year terms.


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