Finance and Administration

The Department of Finance and Administration works in cooperation with other Alexandria Redevelopment & Housing Authority (ARHA) Departments, which in turn provide direct services to residents, landlords, businesses, and other community partners and stakeholders.


Project-Based Budgeting

A budget is a financial plan estimating Revenue & Expenses for the next Fiscal year.  Project-based budgeting means that operating budgets are prepared at the project-level as opposed to an authority-wide level.  The Annual Operating Budget is adopted by ARHA’s Board of Commissioners every year.  

Project-based budgeting is a core reform under the Final Rule of the federal Operating Fund (24 CFR Part 990) Programs. Project-based accounting provides the ability to track financial performance at the property and program-level.  The tracking of ARHA’s financial performance requires financial statements to conform with general accepted accounting principles (GAAP) applicable to governmental units.

Financial Management
Financial management is the planning, directing, monitoring, organizing, and controlling of the monetary resources of the Housing Authority.  ARHA must complying with HUD’s financial management and reporting requirements under the Final Rule of the Operating Fund (24 CFR Part 990) Program.

Procurement involves the purchase of goods and services. The procurement process includes preparation and processing of a need, as well as the end receipt and approval of payment. It involves: 

  • Purchase planning                                         
  • Standards determination
  • Specifications development
  • Supplier research and selection
  • Value analysis
  • Financing
  • Price negotiation
  • Making the purchase
  • Supply contract administration
  • Inventory control and stores and
  • Disposals and other related functions

Goods and services include but are not limited to, construction materials, plumbing, electrical, computer hardware and software, office and janitorial supplies, pest control, legal and consulting services. All ARHA purchasing activity complies with federal, state, and local laws and regulations.  

Management Information Systems (MIS)

MIS focuses on the organization's information and technology systems.  Technology systems include software, hardware, people management, project management and other computerized applications that enable departments to run efficiently.


The Finance Department is responsible for the budgeting, accounting, financial management, and purchasing of the following programs: 

Operating Fund 
The Public Housing Operating Fund provides operating subsidies to housing authorities (HAs) that assist in funding the operating and maintenance expenses of their own dwellings, in accordance with Section 9 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended. The subsidies are required to help maintain services and provide minimum operating reserves. 

Capital Fund 
The Capital Fund provides funds, annually, to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) for the development, financing, and modernization of public housing developments and for management improvements. 

Replacement Housing Factor Grant (RHF)
RHF are Capital Fund Grants that are awarded to PHAs that have removed units from inventory for the sole purpose of developing new public housing units. The Capital Fund formula rule at 24 CFR 905.10(i) provides that a PHA may receive RHF grants for public housing units demolished or sold for a period of up to five years.

Mixed-Financed Housing
Mixed-Financed Housing allows HUD to mix public, private, and non-profit funds to develop and operate housing developments.  These new developments are built for residents with a wide range of incomes, and are designed to fit into the surrounding community.

Housing Choice Vouchers Program (HCVP) 

Formerly known as Section 8, allows very low-income families to choose and lease safe, decent, and affordable privately-owned rental housing.

Moderate Rehabilitation
Provides project-based rental assistance for low income families. The program was repealed in 1991 and no new projects are authorized for development. Assistance is limited to properties previously rehabilitated pursuant to a housing assistance payments (HAP) contract between an owner and a Public Housing Agency (PHA).

Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) 
The ROSS program links services to public housing residents by providing grants for supportive services, resident empowerment activities, and activities to assist residents to become economically self-sufficient.

State Fund
The State/Local fund includes investments in affordable housing and other local programs

Business Activities
The business activities fund provides loans for other programs to invest in affordable housing and also invests directly in affordable housing.





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