Section 3 Worker and Business Survey

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section 3 survey


Please complete and submit this survey if you are interested in pursuing Section 3 employment opportunities. You will be contacted as jobs become available.

Mailing Address
1. Are you an ARHA Resident?
2. Are you currently employed?
3. Do you own or work for a Section 3 Business?
4. Are you interested in job training?
5. Can you work legally in the US?
6. Do you have or work for a woman and/or minority owned business?
7. What is the highest level of school completed?
8. IF an ARHA Resident, what housing program are you in?
Below, please select the skills that you currently have or jobs you have done.

The Alexandria Redevelopment & Housing Authority -401 Wythe St., Alexandria VA 22314


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  • @ Dec 31